Developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
The study aims to identify Developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt and the study has found the high level of the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt ,the high level of Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt and there is a statistically significant impact the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt on Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt and the more it increased level the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt 1% is Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt has increased 0.713%
The study has recommended the necessity of working to raise the level of awareness of individuals and institutions of the importance of increasing the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects, the government works to provide the capabilities and needs through which the private sector can be encouraged to participate in sustainable development projects, work to encourage the private sector to abide by its responsibility towards society and the surrounding environment in which it operates efficiently and effectively and the need for academics and those interested to conduct many study and studies related to the impact of private sector participation in sustainable development projects.
Keywords: Developing sustainable projects – participation of the private sector – Egypt
تهدف الدراسة إلى التعرف على تطوير المشاريع المستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص في مصر ووجدت الدراسة المستوى العالي لدور الحكومة في تطوير المشاريع المستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص في مصر ، والمستوى العالي للاستراتيجيات.
لتطوير مشاريع مستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص في مصر وهناك تأثير ذو داللة إحصائية لدور الحكومة في تطوير المشاريع المستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص في مصر على استراتيجيات تطوير المشاريع المستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص.
القطاع في مصر وكلما زاد مستوى دور الحكومة في تطوير المشاريع المستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص في مصر ٪1 زاد إستراتيجيات تطوير المشاريع المستدامة بمشاركة القطاع الخاص في مصر بنسبة ٪0.713
أوصت الدراسة بضرورة العمل على رفع مستوى وعي الأفراد والمؤسسات بأهمية زيادة مشاركة القطاع الخاص في مشاريع التنمية المستدامة ، حيث تعمل الحكومة على توفير الإمكانات والاحتياجات التي يمكن من خاللها أن يكون القطاع الخاص.
التشجيع على المشاركة في مشاريع التنمية المستدامة ، والعمل على تشجيع القطاع الخاص على الالتزام بمسؤوليته تجاه المجتمع والبيئة المحيطة التي يعمل فيها بكفاءة وفاعلية وحاجة الأكاديميين والمهتمين لإجراء العديد من الدراسات والدراسات المتعلقة بالتأثير. مشاركة القطاع الخاص في مشاريع التنمية المستدامة.
الكلمات المفتاحية: تطوير المشاريع المستدامة – مشاركة القطاع الخاص – مصر
The Member States of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, which set a set of development goals to be achieved until 2030. Perhaps the most important of these goals are the interest in education and health, raising economic growth rates with the participation of the private sector, preserving the environment, and reducing social inequality
Promoting the values of equality between men and women and eradicating poverty and hunger Based2030, which took place in 2016, to chart the government’s actions over the next 15 years, and act as a long-term development strategy that covers the three development dimensions; Economic, social, and environmental participation with the private sector
The sustainable development strategy: Egypt’s Vision 2030 represents an essential stage in the comprehensive development process in Egypt, linking the present to the future and drawing inspiration from the achievements of the ancient Egyptian civilization, to adopt a clear development process for
an advanced and prosperous country where economic and social justice reigns, and revitalize Egypt’s historical role in regional leadership. It aims to maximize the benefit from competitive components and advantages and works to implement the dreams and aspirations of the Egyptian people in providing a decent and dignified life. It is considered the first strategy to be formulated in accordance with the methodology of long-term strategic planning and planning in partnership with the private sector.
Make it comprehensive for all the pillars of the public and private sectors of the Egyptian state.
Study problem
Scientific and technical developments during the second half of the twentieth century represented a basic basis for the formation of a new state of human civilization with the participation of the private sector,
characterized by amazing achievements in computer technologies and means of communication, as well as several other technical achievements that attracted the attention of many observers, but at the same time were neglected.
The problems related to the chances of humanity’s survival in the conditions of the global environmental crises accompanying this new state of civilization, where it can be seen the relative decrease in the interest of both the scientific community and the political community in these problems, especially in the absence of a realistic way to solve such environmental problems
In the second half of the twentieth century, most of the advanced industrial countries adopted the path of growing progress in science with the participation of the private sector, technology, and production methods, which led to the emergence of what became known as the information society or the post-industrial society, which no longer depends on the activity of individuals nor on society. His reliance on the premise that humans can control that progress. The inauguration of this information society in the advanced industrial countries has been linked to the dominance of the idea of ‘technical optimism’, all to achieve sustainable development of projects within the country with the participation of the private sector
With the emergence and exacerbation of these environmental problems, there are several unforeseen challenges for social sciences and the daily concerns of citizens, governments, and private institutions, as what the world faces today is no longer confined to the situation represented in the depletion of natural resources
Because of the growing danger of these problems on the one hand, and the shrinking of the proportion of resources on the earth and the weakening of its ability to renew itself on the other hand, there is an urgent need to rationalize human interaction, because the existing model of modernity that works to meet the current material needs with complete disregard for the environment and for the future is no longer appropriate or efficient to The long term.
The contribution of this study is to employ both the descriptive approach and the critical analytical approach to study and analyze the literature and trends of sustainable development for projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
:From the above we can determine the main question of this study
How can government Developing sustainable projects with the
?participation of the private sector in Egypt
:Also, we can determine the Sub questions
?What is the concept of Developing sustainable projects
?How private sector in Egypt can participation in Developing sustainable projects
:Study objective
Determine government role Developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
Determine strategies to Developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
:Study Hypothesis
There is a statistically significant impact the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector
in Egypt on Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
Study Approach
The study used the descriptive study method, which describes the phenomenon to be studied and the concepts and terms related to this
phenomenon. It also used the analytical method, through which statistical
methods and methods are used in analyzing the study data that will be
obtained through the questionnaire form that was distributed to the study
sample to reach Findings and recommendations that achieve the objectives of the study.
Study population and sample
The study population consists of managers and employees in private companies in Food Industry and because of the difficulty of conducting a comprehensive inventory of all members of the study community; the study used the sampling method by selecting a simple random sample of these workers. Due to the precautionary conditions and measures currently in place, the link for the electronic questionnaire form has been distributed on the social media sites and groups in which the employees of these bodies are present. The number of the study sample members reached (220) individuals who answered the questions of the questionnaire
Study tool
The study used electronic questionnaire form as tool for study and the questionnaire included () phrases and the five-degree Likert scale was used, which consists Strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3), disagree (2),strongly disagree (1) in answering the study’s questions
Data Analysis
The study will use the SPSS22 statistical program to analyze the data
obtained through the questionnaire using the following methods (Alpha coefficient – Frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and relative weight – Pearson correlation – Regression coefficient)
:Study limitation
Place: Egypt
Year: 2021
People: managers and employees in private companies in Food Industry
literature review
Types of PSP: legally binding courses of action and offering methodology
Because of Kumi, E., Yeboah, T., and Kumi, Y. A. (2020) Public assistance arrangement in metropolitan foundation is related with significant degrees of failure, an absence of advancement, and— particularly in creating and temporary nations low degrees of inclusion, preferring more extravagant areas and disregarding the interests of helpless families. Advocates of PSP (for example World Bank, OECD) contend that private contribution can further develop effectiveness, give better quality, assist with broadening public help conveyance, and increment populace inclusion by raising private venture finance and calming legislatures of spending deficiencies
As Williams, N. J., Jaramillo, P., Taneja, J., and Ustun, T. S. (2015) notice Private area investment out in the open undertakings, likewise alluded to as open private organization, is viewed as a response to both government and market disappointment, consolidating the upsides of the private area—development, admittance to back, information on advancements, administrative proficiency, and pioneering soul—with social obligation, ecological mindfulness, and neighborhood information on the public area with an end goal to take care of metropolitan issues. Because of Ewa, J. E., and Ndomah, B. (2011) Forms of PSP or public– private associations can be characterized by the degree that the assignments, dangers, and obligations of previous public assistance arrangement are moved to the private accomplice. Between full
privatization and complete public possession, three models of private area investment in metropolitan framework can be recognized. Undeniably more courses of action can be found. This consider these to be minor departure
-:from the three primary structures
Operation, support, and administration gets: The private area plays out the assistance for concurred costs and should satisfy execution guidelines set by the public authority. The public authority is liable for subsidizing any capital speculations. These agreements don’t tackle the issue of restricted public financial plans and are accepted to prompt more prominent effectiveness.
Build, work, and contribute: These structures carry private speculations to the development of new framework or the updating of existing foundation. Concession contracts (e.g., plan, fabricate, finance [maintain], and work) and the form, work, and move (BOT) model are models. After a concurred time of activity during which private gatherings need to recuperate their speculation costs, the venture is then moved to the public authority
Joint endeavors: Both government and private gatherings put resources into joint endeavors, in which advantages, expenses, and dangers are shared Likewise, Zavyalova, E. B., Studenikin, N. V., and Starikova, E. A. (2018) show that although some PSP structures might be more reasonable than others for the achievement of explicit supportability points in specific circumstances, the appropriateness of the type of PSP additionally relies upon the accessible information, abilities, and limit of public controllers. Nonetheless, the conduct of the general population and private accomplices and their obligation to manageability is affected by the type of the PSP as well as by the motivating forces that are established by the more extensive institutional climate and the arrangements in the agreement. Maybe than
zeroing in on the topic of which PSP shapes best match supportability, in this commitment, our anxiety is to analyze the general motivator structure that impacts the conduct of both public and private accomplices in the acknowledgment and activity of metropolitan frameworks. Aslani, A., Naaranoja, M., and Zakeri, B. (2012) see that the connection between private area support and maintainability is perplexing. From one viewpoint, PSP in the development and upkeep of metropolitan foundation might add to maintainability in a generally direct way. Interests in wastewater treatment, for example, lessen contamination and wellbeing chances. Interests in streets, then again, may work with the developing interest for versatility yet counterproductively affect ecological quality. Also, “amazing business sector” conditions in framework-based assistance conveyance, broadly dared to be crucial for suitable private inclusion, are for the most part inadequate. Since responsibility for makes passage
boundaries for rookies, this sort of administration conveyance has the attributes of a characteristic imposing business model. Besides, nearby guidelines and agreements might make lawful syndications by giving private firms selective rights to build and work metropolitan foundation during long haul concession periods. In this way, PSP in open framework might bring about market disappointments
Market disappointments lead to lease chasing or pioneering conduct with respect to both public and private gatherings: Parties seek after their personal responsibility instead of the (social) maintainability goals that underlie the decision for PSP in supportable metropolitan foundations. Thus, results might be understood that are undesirable according to a reasonable point of view, like Brown, K., and Corbera, E. (2003) notice
Monopolistic help arrangement
Overexploitation and misallocation of assets
Production of social and ecological externalities
Under provision of essential necessities Tolstolesova, L. A., Yumanova, N. N., Mazikova, E. V., Glukhikh, I. N.,
and Vorobieva, M. S. (2019) see that Private area cooperation in metropolitan foundation doesn’t naturally add to supportability.
Regardless of whether it does rely upon the nature of the administration componentsby which these private commitments are directed and the degree to which guideline issues are perceived and followed up on. Monetary guideline is an essential for private area cooperation in manageable metropolitan foundation.
Nonetheless, financial guideline without anyone else isn’t sufficient—it ought to be enhanced by types of administration that are pointed unequivocally at protecting supportability in the acknowledgment and activity of metropolitan foundations. Because of Patil, N. A., Tharun, D., and Laishram, B. (2016) These practices allude to the endeavors of governments to acknowledge and manage private interest in open foundation and to the institutional climate wherein these endeavors occur. What makes a training fortunate or unfortunate relies upon its capacity to impact the practices of public and private accomplices so that manageability targets are served. Based on this outline, hypothetical and reasonable exercises might be drawn regarding the potential outcomes and constraints of protecting maintainability when
PSP is considered in the acknowledgment and activity of metropolitan foundations.
Expanding on the previous hypothetical ideas about the expected commitments and dangers of PSP to the acknowledgment and activity of metropolitan framework according to a maintainability perspective
(economical metropolitan foundations), our investigation is directed by three centering questions (Tolstolesova, L. A., Yumanova, N. N., Mazikova, E. V., Glukhikh, I. N., and Vorobieva, M. S., 2019):
Because private area contribution should mitigate legislatures of spending shortfalls, further develop productivity and quality, and expand public help conveyance and populace inclusion, how could private gatherings be invigorated to put resources into socially, earth, and monetarily supportable public metropolitan foundations
Because we likewise realize that the private area’s momentary profit from speculation direction is at chances with the drawn-out viewpoint expected to acknowledge supportability targets, how could private association be masterminded so that impetuses are made for private gatherings to add to maintainability and debilitate sharp conduct
Because contracts must be planned, arranged, and kept up with, what are, according to a maintainability perspective, great and terrible practices in the way government, strategies, laws, and organizations that direct PSP in metropolitan frameworks
Applied framework
Validate the study tool
The role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
Table (1) Correlation between each phrase and first dimension
Phrases | Correlation coefficient | |
The government aims to increase the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects by providing an appropriate business environment | **0.648 | 0.000 |
The government is working on developing legislation and laws that contribute to the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects | **0.685 | 0.000 |
The government works to encourage the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects by providing all credit and financing facilities | **0.747 | 0.000 |
The government works to encourage the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects by providing tax exemptions | **0.845 | 0.000 |
The government works to encourage the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects that contribute to providing the needs of citizens | **0.802 | 0.000 |
The government works to encourage the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects in all economic and productive fields | **0.815 | 0.000 |
The government works to encourage the participation of the private sector in sustainable development projects by providing the appropriate infrastructure | **0.803 | 0.000 |
**significance (α = 0.01)
Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the
private sector in Egypt
Table (2) Correlation between each phrase and second dimension
Phrases | Correlation coefficient | |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects depend on providing specific services in certain areas. | **0.754 | 0.000 |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects depend on the use of modern technology to meet the needs of citizens | **0.677 | 0.000 |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects are concerned with areas in which profits can be made in the short term | **0.764 | 0.000 |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects depend on focusing on industries with low manpower | **0.548 | 0.000 |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects depend on providing new products and services | **0.750 | 0.000 |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects depend on projects through which a competitive advantage can be achieved | **0.776 | 0.000 |
Strategies for private sector participation in the development of sustainable projects seek to reduce costs by taking advantage of the advantages of merging between similar companies in the field of work | **0.734 | 0.000 |
**significance (α = 0.01)
All correlation for l questionnaire items were statistically significant in and the tool has structural validity.
The stability of the study tool
Table (3) Stability of questionnaire
Axes | Alpha Cornbach | number of elements |
The role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt | 0.880 | 7 |
Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Eg | 0.841 | 7 |
Total questionnaire | 0.921 | 14 |
The value of Cronbach alpha for all study tool is high and the study
tool is high stability.
Analysis of the questionnaire
First: Personal data
Divided male 70.9 % and female 29.1 % of the study sample
Table (4) sample according to gender
Categories | N | % |
Male | 156 | 70.9 |
female | 64 | 29.1 |
Total | 220 | 100 |
Divided is Less than 30 years old 42.3 %, From 30 to less than 40 years
old 27.7 %, From 40 to less than 50 years old 12.7 % and from 50 or more 17.3 %
Table (5) sample according to age
Categories | N | % |
Less than 30 years old | 93 | 42.3 |
From 30 to less than 40 years old | 61 | 27.7 |
From 40 to less than 50 years old | 28 | 12.7 |
From 50 or more | 38 | 17.3 |
Total | 220 | 100 |
Academic qualification
Divided Middle Certification 12.3 % Bachelor 61.4 % Master 24.1 %
and PhD 2.3 %
Table (6) sample according to Academic qualification
Categories | N | % |
Middle Certification | 93 | 42.3 |
Bachelor | 61 | 27.7 |
Master | 28 | 12.7 |
PhD | 38 | 17.3 |
Total | 220 | 100 |
Divided Director 24.1 %, Deputy Director 5.5 % Head of the Department 10.9 %, and Employee 59.5 %
Table (7) sample according to Job
Categories | N | % |
Director | 53 | 24.1 |
Deputy Director | 12 | 5.5 |
Head of the Department | 24 | 10.9 |
Employee | 131 | 59.5 |
Total | 220 | 100 |
Duration of work experience
Divided Less than 5 year 40.5 %, From 5 years to less than 10 years
20.9 %, From 10 years to less than 15 years 9.1% and 15 years and over 29.5%
Table (8) sample according to Years of experience
Categories | N | % |
Less than 5 years | 89 | 40.5 |
From 5 years to less than 10 years | 46 | 20.9 |
From 10 years to less than 15 years | 20 | 9.1 |
15 years and over | 65 | 29.5 |
Total | 220 | 100 |
Second: the dimension study
The role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
Table (8) Phrases of first dimension
N. Phrase | Strongly agree % | Agree % | Neutral % | Disagree % | Strongly disagree % | Mean | S. D | Relative weight | Degree | Arrangement |
1 | 26.36 | 47.27 | 17.27 | 7.73 | 1.36 | 3.895 | 0.92 8 | 0.779 | High | 6 |
2 | 42.73 | 42.73 | 10.91 | 2.27 | 1.36 | 4.232 | 0.836 | 0.846 | High | 1 |
3 | 30.00 | 46.82 | 16.36 | 6.36 | 0.45 | 3.995 | 0.873 | 0.799 | High | 3 |
4 | 25.91 | 51.36 | 15.00 | 6.82 | 0.91 | 3.945 | 0.874 | 0.789 | High | 5 |
5 | 21.82 | 55.45 | 14.55 | 6.82 | 1.36 | 3.895 | 0.867 | 0.779 | High | 6 |
6 | 27.73 | 49.09 | 16.82 | 5.45 | 0.91 | 3.973 | 0.865 | 0.795 | High | 4 |
7 | 31.82 | 46.82 | 15.00 | 4.55 | 1.82 | 4.023 | 0.904 | 0.805 | High | 2 |
Source: Study sample data
The all expressions of the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt dimension were in the high plane and it shows the high level of the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of
the private sector in Egypt it turns out the general average of the dimension 3.994 and S.D 0.878
◼ Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
Table (9) Phrases of second dimension
N. Phrase | Strongly agree % | Agree % | Neutral % | Disagree % | Strongly disagree % | Mean | S. D | Relative weight | Degree | Arrangement |
1 | 25.91 | 36.82 | 21.36 | 12.27 | 3.64 | 3.691 | 1.096 | 0.738 | High | 6 |
2 | 24.55 | 46.82 | 17.73 | 8.64 | 2.27 | 3.827 | 0.973 | 0.765 | High | 5 |
3 | 28.18 | 53.18 | 13.64 | 3.64 | 1.36 | 4.032 | 0.830 | 0.806 | High | 2 |
4 | 26.36 | 44.55 | 21.82 | 6.36 | 0.91 | 3.891 | 0.900 | 0.778 | High | 4 |
5 | 37.73 | 46.82 | 10.91 | 4.55 | 0.00 | 4.177 | 0.800 | 0.835 | High | 1 |
6 | 30.00 | 48.64 | 14.55 | 6.82 | 0.00 | 4.018 | 0.849 | 0.804 | High | 3 |
7 | 28.18 | 51.36 | 16.36 | 3.64 | 0.45 | 4.032 | 0.796 | 0.806 | High | 2 |
Source: Study sample data
The all expressions of Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt dimension were in the high plane and it shows the high level of Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt it turns out the general average of the dimension 3.953 and S.D 0.892
Test Study Hypothesis
There is a statistically significant impact the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt on Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
Table (10) impact the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt on Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt
B | T | F | P-VALUE |
0.713 | **20.323 | **413.041 | 0.000 |
**significance (α = 0.01)
The simple regression equation was significant at the level of 0.01, and there is a statistically significant impact the role of the government indeveloping sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt on Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt and the impact is positive it turned out that the more it increased level the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt 1% is Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt has increased 0.713%
The high level of the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt it turns out the general average of the dimension 3.994 and S.D 0.878
The high level of Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt it turns out the general average of the dimension 3.953 and S.D 0.892
there is a statistically significant impact the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt on Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt and the more it increased level the role of the government in developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt 1% is Strategies for developing sustainable projects with the participation of the private sector in Egypt has increased 0.713%
The necessity of working to raise the level of awareness of individuals and institutions of the importance of increasing the participation of the private sector i sustainable development projects
The government works to provide the capabilities and needs through which the private sector can be encouraged to participate in sustainable development projects
Work to encourage the private sector to abide by its responsibilitytowards society and the surrounding environment in which itoperates efficiently and effectively
The need for academics and those interested to conduct many studiesand studies related to the impact of private sector participation insustainable development projects.
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Tolstolesova, L. A., Yumanova, N. N., Mazikova, E. V., Glukhikh, I. N., & Vorobieva, M. S. (2019). Realization of PPP projects in the sector of energetics as a condition of a sustainable development of macroregions. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 7(1), 263.
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